This Week in Geek: Klingon Warnog

This Week in Geek: Klingon Warnog

This week in geek…someone mentioned beer, then there was drinking, and fighting, and we all blacked out.

Movies & TV:

Have you checked out the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer? I’m sure you have, but here it is again, just because.

This showed up on the internet this week…a lovely (creepy) close up of Green Goblin from the upcoming Amazing Spider-Man 2 film…

green-goblin close up

Amy Acker, who any Joss Whedon fan should know from his various works, has been announced as The Cellist on Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

the cellist

Books & Comics:

You can check out Garth Ennis’ Red Team Volume 1 for free over on NewsaRama


Nerd Consumption:

A couple of years ago Ken started to get into beer, so I am sure he is very much looking forward to trying the first Star Trek themed beer to hit the States (and Canada), coming later this year. Klingon Warnog, only for real warriors!

Klingon Warnog

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