Convention Season is Back

Convention Season is Back

One of my favorite times of year has long been convention season. We usually only went to two of them (IndyPopCon and GenCon), and both were kind enough to issue us press passes.

Last year, thanks to covid-19, it all changed. Cons were still around, but they went online, which is a vastly different experience than real life. This year cons are back, but personally, I’m not ready to attend in person yet. Not until more of us are vaccinated, and this virus is mostly gone. I’m sure they will take as many precautions as possible, but being someone who has breathing issues, and is susceptible to getting sick, I’d rather play it safe. I mean, con crud is bad enough on it’s own.

I really do miss seeing all the wonderful coplayers, gamers, celeb guests, and my fellow bloggers. Conventions are such a fun time, checking out new games, buying stuff from the vendors, talking to all kinds of people, and hitting up the food trucks. It’s a place a lot of us “geeks” feel like we belong. I’m glad it’s all coming back, and hopefully I will return to it next year. I can’t wait to cover all the events once again, it was always the highlight of my year.

Until then, I will remember the first IndyPopCon where some of us bloggers, and con fans, met up for an Awkward Twitter Mingle (there is a reason we are on our phones, lol). I’m the short one, with the bright red hair, and glasses (which you can’t really see because this pic is bad quality).