Guilty Pleasure: Josie and the Pussycats (movie)

Guilty Pleasure: Josie and the Pussycats (movie)

Josie and the Pussycats (2001) doesn’t exactly have the best reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and IMdB, but who cares? This movies is just some good, cheesy fun, and in my opinion, incredibly underrated. Josie and the Pussycats has a rockin’ girl band, true friendship, a mystery, romance, comedy, villains, brainwashing, and sarcasm, and combines it…

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Nerd Nostalgia: AZN Television

Nerd Nostalgia: AZN Television

Once upon a time, here in America, we had a cable TV channel called “International Channel”, which later became AZN Television. It launched in 1990, and sadly closed down in 2008.

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Throwback: Hello Kitty Cafe Truck

Throwback: Hello Kitty Cafe Truck

Back on Saturday, October 14, 2017 a Hello Kitty Cafe Truck came to Indianapolis, IN, and a couple of us Awkward Geeks decided we HAD to go.

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Nerd Nostalgia: Pokemon Go

Nerd Nostalgia: Pokemon Go

Back on July 6, 2016 Pokemon Go was, I assume, the most downloaded app at that time. Millions of people started catching Pokemon in “real life”, and I was one of them, of course. My first Pokemon was Charmander, as it normally was when I played the games on GameBoy systems. 

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90s TV Shows We Miss

90s TV Shows We Miss

The 90s had some pretty interesting shows. Some which were totally cheesy (but you loved them anyway), and some that were awesome (and possibly still cheesy) and for some reason people have forgotten about a few of them, so I wanted to make a short list of some of my favorites, and maybe remind people of how awesomely cheesy 90s TV was.

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Epic 90s Cartoon Theme Songs

Epic 90s Cartoon Theme Songs

Sometimes cartoon theme songs are just a silly, fun little jingle, and sometimes they are kind of epic. When I think about 90s cartoons, I realized that they gave us some pretty great theme songs, this list is dedicated to the more “epic” themes.

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