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Game Night: Firefly Fluxx

Game Night: Firefly Fluxx

Looney Labs took two of my favorite things and put them together; Fluxx, and Firefly! The result is one of the shiniest games in the ‘verse!

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Hold the Dark

Hold the Dark

Looking around the shelves at work for something new to read I happened upon Hold the Dark by William Giraldi. Described as “A terrifying literary thriller set on the Alaskan tundra, about the mystery of evil and mankind’s losing battle with nature.”.

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Rewatching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The Body

Rewatching: Buffy the Vampire Slayer – The Body

I’ve been re-watching a bit of Buffy, not all the way through, just skipping around to certain episodes. I decided to watch the Season 5 episode ‘The Body’. In my opinion this is one of the most powerful episodes of any TV show.

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Watching: Sleepy Hollow

Watching: Sleepy Hollow

When this show first premiered I was pretty excited about it, and I very much enjoyed the first season. Then I lost track of it, because I always lose track of shows, until I eventually end up marathoning them.

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We were checking out Amazon for free kindle books and discovered a young adult novel called UnEnchanted (An Unfortunate Fairy Tale Book 1) by Chanda Hahn. It sounded like it could be interesting, but you just never know with free Amazon books. They’re usually not so great, but every now and then you find a gem.

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The Librarians

The Librarians

Back in 2004 I decided to watch a TV movie called “The Librarian: Quest for the Spear“, it was just something to kill some time. I ended up really enjoying it, and wishing it would be turned into a TV show. Because quite simply, I wanted more.

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