TV & Movies

We watch a lot of TV Shows and movies. We also like to talk about them, so this is where you can find reviews, news, and more.

And So It Begins… Babylon 5 is 20 Years Old

And So It Begins… Babylon 5 is 20 Years Old

On February 22nd, 1993, television began to change. No longer would we be constrained by one-off episodes. Series long arc stories would rule the day. Characters would evolve and grow. A new era for special effects was beginning. Babylon 5 had arrived. Today marks the 20th anniversary of the airing of the pilot movie Babylon…

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Star Trek Into Darkness Villain is…Khan?

Star Trek Into Darkness Villain is…Khan?

At the time of this posting Entertainment Weekly has the Star Trek cover with Kirk and the new villain listed as “Kirk & Khan” on their website. Did someone make a mistake (resulting in a spoiler), or is this just another way to throw all of us off? Personally, I think someone made a mistake, and if…

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Doctor Who Screening: The Romans

Doctor Who Screening: The Romans

WhoNA started the screening off by playing the first part of the “An Unearthly Child”, which is the very first episode of Doctor Who. Then they switched it up and we watched “The Romans”.

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Movie Night: Harry Potter & Butterbeer

Movie Night: Harry Potter & Butterbeer

We usually do movie night on Friday, which consists of us ordering out for pizza, and putting in whatever sci-fi, superhero, or fantasy film that we’re in the mood for.

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The Quest for the Ring of Barahir Replica

The Quest for the Ring of Barahir Replica

We’ve been watching Lord of the Rings again lately. Every time we do, Lynn and I tend to get a bit obsessive about it. We both start wanting to play every LOTR game, I start spending lots of time flipping through the wiki, and of course, we always look through all the prop replica merchandise sites.

This time though, I’ve decided it’s time to do something about our obsession. I’m going to be purchasing two rings, one for each of us. No, not that ring, that would be too obvious for me. I want to pick up a Ring of Barahir (Aragorn’s ring) for myself, and an Nenya, Ring of Adamant for Lynn.

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Winter Holiday Watch List

Winter Holiday Watch List

We’re not typically ‘traditionalists’ when it comes to Holiday TV viewing. So here is a short list of some things we will be watching throughout this winter holiday season. (will update when there are new shows to add)

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