Reading: The Fairy Godmother

Tales of the Five Hundred Kingdoms

Reading: The Fairy Godmother

As I was checking out the Gen Con site a couple weeks ago I noticed that the author guest of honor is fantasy writer Mercedes Lackey, and it occurred to me that I have never read her stuff. So I decided to change that.

In researching her, and reading reviews about her books, she sounds exactly like the kind of author I would enjoy. The genre that I most love to read is fantasy,  and I love serials. If a book can put me in a world that I enjoy, and with characters that I love, and want to keep reading about, then I’m happy. From the reviews that I read, that is exactly what she does with her stories.

I decided to start with the Five Hundred Kingdoms series because I’ve always loved fairy tales, and reading different versions of them. It seems like she has an interesting take on those worlds, and I’m curious to read all about them!

If you’ve read Mercedes Lackey before, please feel free to offer any suggestions on something you think I might enjoy.

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