Geek News

We try to stay up to date on the latest geek news, and if we find something particularly interesting, we love to write about it. All kinds of geek related news can be found here!

Playstation 4 throws down gauntlet, to launch at $399

Playstation 4 throws down gauntlet, to launch at $399

There’s no question what happened during Sony’s E3 press conference Monday night. They went for Microsoft’s throat, in a big way. Not only did Sony undercut the Xbox One’s price by $100, they made a point of spelling out their policy regarding used games, lending to friends, and online check-in DRM. For the Playstation 4,…

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Xbox One to release this November for $499 in the US

Xbox One to release this November for $499 in the US

So today it was revealed what consumers would pay to have the next gaming generation in their living room. Xbox One will release this November, for $499 in the US.

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Xbox One Revealed

Xbox One Revealed

This reveal felt very much like a bit of a teaser to me. Sure they showed the console (within about 5 minutes…you see that Sony?!), they didn’t go into a whole lot of the details, especially when it came to the games. Though if you think about it, we all know there’s going to be…

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Once Upon A Time in Wonderland

Once Upon A Time in Wonderland

There’s a trailer out for the new series coming this Fall to ABC, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland. Once Upon a Time was a pleasant surprised when it premiered, and this spin-off series looks promising. Are you looking forward to it? Deliveries Kamagra Oral Jelly are conducted almost round the clock but. Next Day Delivery it is convenient…

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Peter Davison at Who North America Warehouse

Peter Davison at Who North America Warehouse

I’m not sure if this is subject to change, but for now this is the info that has been announced by Who North America, an online store who’s warehouse is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. They have been working since last year to help get Peter Davison for GenCon, and it finally happened. They also said they…

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Rock Band DLC ending gives us a sad

Rock Band DLC ending gives us a sad

For the past five years, every week, there has been new Rock Band DLC released. I’m sure by now that most of you know that string of releases have ended in April. It feels like the end of an era. So it got me thinking about how long I’ve been playing this game and it’s predecessors, and how there’s still a lot of songs I wish had been added.

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