Geek Thoughts

Random subjects of geekiness! Sometimes we just think a little too much on stuff, like a spin off show we’d like to see, spotting mistakes on figures, Photoshop disasters, Geek Goals, and more.

Nerd Rant: Being a Geek is Cool

Nerd Rant: Being a Geek is Cool

There was a time when being a geek, or a nerd, meant you were into things other people thought of as weird, and/or childish: Tech, D&D, comics, science fiction, fantasy novels, figures, and so on. If you were into these things, then you were getting picked on (actually, this is sometimes still the case).

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Music by Geeks for Geeks

Music by Geeks for Geeks

We decided to put together a playlist of “geek” music, some parodies, some original music. Only problem, we’re having some trouble adding to it, so it’s kind of lacking.

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YouTube Favorites

YouTube Favorites

We love watching all kinds of YouTube channels; Informative, entertainment, geek lifestyle vlogs, etc. Here are some things we’ve been watching lately, a couple of them suggested by a few of our Facebook followers. 

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Geek Goal for June: Vlogging

Geek Goal for June: Vlogging

Because I was able to successfully complete my May Geek Goal, I thought I would step it up a notch for June. Crazy, I know.

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Nerd Rant: The GIF Drama

Nerd Rant: The GIF Drama

This isn’t about the correct pronunciation of GIF, it’s about people taking it way too seriously, which caused a small incident on our facebook page, that also spilled over onto my personal facebook.

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Hoarding…In World of Warcraft

Hoarding…In World of Warcraft

Hoarding is a serious condition, thankfully I don’t have this problem in real life, but it’s pretty bad in one of my virtual lives. I’m addicted to collecting stuff in WoW; Tabards, holiday items, trinkets that have nifty, fun (if not rather pointless) uses, items that turn my toon into things, rep items, books, items…

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